
Welcome To The Department Of Sanskrit
Sanskrit plays a vital role for Indian culture because of its extensive use in religious literature. Most modern Indian languages have been directly derived from, or strongly influenced by Sanskrit is the speciality of this language.
Benefits of Learning Sanskrit –
- The Sanskrit Language is ‘a Repository of Knowledge’.
- The ancient Sanskrit language holds much knowledge about society and the universe. The Sanskrit language has a range of words to express a single object; this shows the versatility of this language.
- Health Benefits of Learning Sanskrit is already proven by the modern scientists.
- This language is incredibly ‘Easy to Learn’. By studying Sanskrit, other languages can be learnt more easily.
Panini, the great grammarian, made Sanskrit a highly developed and powerful vehicle of expression in which scientific ideas could be expressed with great precision and clarity. Therefore, this language opens avenues of computational linguistics. This language was made uniform all over India, so that scholars from North, South East and West could understand each other.
The Sanskrit, as an optional subject, was being taught since very outset of the institute i.e.1923. This shows the legacy of Sanskrit Department. This department has fame as one of the excellent Post-Graduate department of Sanskrit in Sant Gagde Baba Amravati University, Amravati. Later on, Research Centre with all research facilities added a great value to it.
The department has four full time sanctioned posts. The faculty members having good academic record are working enthusiastically for the development of the department. Many research activities such as workshops, seminars, conferences etc. have been organized and some are proposed. For the development of students NET-SET workshops, Spoken Sanskrit courses etc. are arranged frequently. Many cultural activities and extracurricular activities are held.
Mission and Vision
- To make students acquainted with literary forms like Sanskrit drama, novel, poetry, essay etc.
- To develop reading, writing and communication skills in students.
- To implant research methodological among the students.
- To familiarize students with the dimensions and methods of research.
Courses Offered at Various Levels
- B.A. (Compulsory Sanskrit and Sanskrit Literature)
- B.Sc. (Compulsory Sanskrit for First year only)
- M.A. (2 years degree course with Semester system)
- Ph.D.
Highlight of Department
- The Department of Sanskrit helps degree as well as research students in availing various research fellowships from the Institutions across India.
- The department is the only full fledged Sanskrit department in Amravati region of Vidarbha.
- All faculty members of this department are highly qualified and experts in their specialized subject such as Sanskrit Grammar, Sanskrit Literature, Nyaya and Vedanta Philosophy, Ancient Indian Sciences.
- Department motivates students through innovative teaching skills and focused on blended interdisciplinary learning approach.
- Ph.D. Research Centre with adequate infrastructural and ICT facilities.
- Department has strong research culture, Students contribute various articles in Sanskrit in the college magazine i.e.“Vidarbhawani”,
- Various types of National Workshops, Seminars, Conferences, Symposia, exhibitions etc. are being organized by the department from time to time.
- This department has a glorious tradition of producing meritorious students in various competitions, NET-SET examinations and University examinations.
- The department has designed new curricula including all the aspects related to Sanskrit as modern relevance, interdisciplinary approach, skill development programs etc.
- Placement of students, in various fields, is up to the mark.
Infrastructure Facilities
The department of Sanskrit has the following infrastructural facilities –
- The department of Sanskrit is a part of ‘Bhasha Bhavan’
- Four allotted class rooms with all amenities.
- Special Cabin for Head of the Department
- Special Staff room for the faculty members
- Special Research room with all modern facilities for research purpose.
Research (Project and Patent)
The department of Sanskrit is recognized Research Centre for Doctoral work in Sanskrit having two research guides.
- Government Arts and Science College, Aurangabad
- Madan Gopal Mundhada Arts, Commerce and Science College, Chandur Railway, Amravati.
Student achievements –
- UGC NET Passed : 15
- SET Passed : 10
- Scholarship Holders from other Institutes : 10
- University Rank Holders : Excellent
- Research paper Competitions with Awards : 06
- Student Placements : 90%
Faculty achievements –
- Member of Board of Studies of SGBAU, Amravati
- Good number of Books and Research paper Publications
- Invited as Resource Persons in various Institutes
- Working as Editorial Board Members
- Working as Inspective Officers for various Universities
Departmental Activities :
- NET-SET workshops
- Spoken Sanskrit Programs
- Sanskrit Exhibitions
- Conferences, Symposia, Seminars and Competitions related to Sanskrit
- Educational Tours
- Various Cultural Activities in Sanskrit

Prof. Omkumar Tompe
M.A., NET, Ph.D.
Professor & Head of Department,
Dept. of Sanskrit, Govt. Vidarbha Institute of Science and Humanities, Amravati.
- 9423678068
Areas of interest: Vedic Literature, Sanskrit Poetry

Dr. Bhagban Panda
M.A. , Ph.D.
Assistant Professor,
Dept. of Sanskrit, Govt. Vidarbha Institute of Science and Humanities, Amravati.
- 9325532265
Areas of interest: Indian Philosophy, Sanskrit literature

Dr. Rupali Kavishwar
M.A. , Ph.D.
Assistant Professor,
M.A.(Sanskrit), M.A. (Indology), PG Diploma in Linguistics, NET (JRF), SET, Ph.D.
- 9922820758
Areas of interest: Ancient Indian Science, Indian Philosophy

Mr. Pranveer Patil
M.A., NET (JRF), M.Phil.
Assistant Professor,
M.A.(Sanskrit), M.A. (Indology), PG Diploma in Linguistics, NET (JRF), SET, Ph.D.
- 9860040369
Areas of interest: Sanskrit Grammar, Sanskrit literature
Contact Us
Email – gvishsanskrit@gmail.comComing Soon