Physics and Electronics
Welcome to the Department of Physics and Electronics
B.Sc. degree course with Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics was started in 1928, under the leadership of Prof. U.D. Mukherjee as first Head of Department. Thereafter, P.G. course in Physics was started in 1954; and B.Sc. with Electronics was started in 1984. From the inception the department imparted knowledge to several students who became renowned scientist, academician, politician, public servants from tehsildar to secretary. Prof. S. P. Yawale is carrying forward the legacy of the department, with support from the well qualified teaching and non-teaching staff. Most of the faculties in the department are Ph.D. holders and actively take up research as an opportunity. As a result there are more than 250 publications in peer reviewed, high impact journal of repute. The ex-research scholars after completing their Ph.D. from the department are acting as a torch bearer to spread light of knowledge to the society. Department has an excellent avenues open for research activity. Till date total 70 candidates have been awarded Ph.D. degree and more than 50 students completed M.Phil. course. The department is equipped with state of the art instruments, such as FTIR, XRD,UV-VIS-NIR spectrophotometer, LCR measurement setup, Spray pyrolysis setup, four probe setup, distilled water plant, and gas sensing unit to carry out research and to train students. This is achieved from several research and government funding to the department. As a result, 8 minor and 1 major research projects have been completed in the department. The department has consistent record of securing meritorious positions in U.G. and P.G. examinations of R.T.M. Nagpur as well as S.G.B. Amravati Universities. Till date 30 students have successfully cleared CSIR-JRF NET/SET Examinations. At PG level specialization in condensed matter and electronics are available. Research facilities in diversified fields like conducting polymers, gas sensors, glasses, instrumentation, polymer electrets, thin films, nano-materials, ultrasonics and microwaves are available. Departmental library with reference section for PG and research students is available. Physics Society is an active platform for all-round development of UG and PG students. Department is also engaged in the extension activity through Physics society. One day workshop for IXth class students on “Cultivation of Interest in Basic Sciences” was organized. Tree plantation is the regular activity. Department shared academic and research enhancement and provides laboratory facilities and expertise of the department to the research students within state and outside the state. To exchange the knowledge department has signed MOU with NES Science College, Nanded. The department has entered into Memorandums of Understanding (MoU) with Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) aimed at facilitating a mutually beneficial exchange of students, faculty, knowledge, resources and ideas.|
Our vision is to foster and inculcate local and global competencies among the students through value based inclusive learning, provide education for living and life, to promote public welfare, instill love and respect for our constitutional values.
- To generate, maintain and disseminate value-based knowledge.
- To empower the students to meet the emerging global competitive challenges.
- To encourage and support research activities among student as well as faculty.
- To produce excellent academic merit through learner centered education.
- To create social and environmental awareness among students.
- To impart updated knowledge to the students.
- To produce good citizen through value based co-curricular activities.
- To produce competent youth capable of employment / self-employment.
- To cater local and global needs.
- Engagement and dialogue with local community and industry for sustainable and inclusive development.
Courses Offered at Various Levels
- B. Sc. (Physics)
- B. Sc. (Electronics)
- M. Sc. (Physics)
- Ph. D. (Physics)
Highlight of Department
- Courses offered: B.Sc. (1928), B. Sc. Elect. (1984), M.Sc. (1954), M. Phil, Ph.D.
- Well-equipped research laboratories
- Highly qualified staff
- Strong research profile
- Research scholars from Department: Ph.D. awarded 54, M. Phil 50
- Research facility: XRD, FTIR, UV-VIS-NIR spectrophotometer, LCR measurement setup, spray-pyrolysis, four probe setup, distilled water plant, gas sensing unit.
- More than 250 peer reviewed high impact factor journal publication, and 2 patents
- Areas of research: Conducting polymer, gas sensors, glasses, instrumentation, Polymer electrets, thin films, nano-materials, ultrasonic and microwave.
- Research project completed: 8 minor, 1 major
- Consistent record of meritorious students
- 14 students cleared NET/SET/GATE exams
- PG specialization offered: Condensed Matter Physics and Electronics
- Physics society provides platform for all round development of students
- Extension activity: Tree plantation, solar panel installation, work shop for students
- MoU with NCS science college Nanded for exchange of research facilities.
- Free Wi-Fi for students, internet and computer lab facility, departmental library with books and journals
- Three awards are given to meritorious students
- Faculty received awards for services to university and research work
- Free consultancy to PhD students for use of research facility and knowledge enhancement.
Infrastructure Facilities and Laboratories
Head Cabin, M.Sc. Dark Room, Lab Physics, Lab Elect (I), Lab Elect (I), R.No. 15(Phy), Comp. Lab MScI, M.Sc.II Class Room, M.Sc.II Class R.(Sp,)B.Sc. Dark Room. B,Sc, I Lab., B.Sc. II+III, Library, Materials Research lab, Nanoscience Research Lab. Store, Raman Hall (A V theatre) with wi-fi.
Research Facilities
Department has excellent avenues open for research activity. Research facilities in diversified fields like conducting polymers, gas sensors, glasses, instrumentation, polymer electrets, thin films, nano-materials, ultrasonics and microwaves are available. Department have well equipped lab to work on these topics of research. Some sophisticated instruments like XRD, FTIR, UV-VIS-NIR spectrophotometer, LCR meter, Spray Pyrolysis, Distilled water plant, four probe measurement setup etc. are available in the department. Basic instrumentation facility is available in the department. Department provides expertise in the research for outside candidate along with laboratory facilities. The department is recognized as research centre of Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University. Till date total 70 candidates have been awarded Ph.D. degree and 50 students completed M.Phil course. 8 minor and 1 major research projects have been completed in the department. The department has excellent publication record in high impact factor peer reviewed journals.
Research (Project and Patent)
Research Project
Sr. No. | Name of Coordinator | Project Title | Amount Rs. | Funding Agency | Period | Major /Minor |
Dr. S.P.Yawale | Development of Nano-architecture Metal Oxide Doped Conducting Polymer as Gas Sensor | 10.82lakh | UGC- New-Delhi | 2013-16 | Major | |
Dr. S.P.Yawale | Colorimetric and electrical conduction study of blend conducting polypyrrole | 40,000 | UGC- New-Delhi | 2002-04 | Minor | |
Dr. Mrs.S.S.Yawale | Depolarization Study of lead Borate Glasses Using TSDC | 40,000 | UGC- New-Delhi | 2002-04 | Minor | |
Dr. Smt.V.S.Sangawar | Study of Dielectric and Other Properties of Polymer Composite | 50,000 | UGC- New-Delhi | 2002-04 | Minor | |
Dr. A.U.Ubale | A Comparative Study of Some Semiconductor Thin Films Deposited by CBD and SILAR Technique | 66,000 | UGC- New-Delhi | 2003-05 | Minor | |
Dr. S.P.Yawale | Development of Carbon Dioxide Gas Sensor With Special Reference to Tin Oxide | 74,000 | UGC- New-Delhi | 2005-07 | Minor | |
Dr. Mrs.S.S.Yawale | Development of some amorphous materials for optoelectronics applications | 93,000 | UGC- New-Delhi | 2005-07 | Minor | |
Dr. A.U.Ubale | Photo-Electrochemical Properties of Spray Deposited Metal Chalcogenide Thin Films | 75,000 | UGC- New-Delhi | 2007-09 | Minor | |
Dr. A.U.Ubale | Synthesis and Characterization of Chemically Deposited Nanostructured | 1,50,000 | UGC- New-Delhi | 2012-13 | Minor | |
Dr. SmtV.S.Sangawar | Patent Published 2501/MUM/2012 | 2012 | ||||
Dr. A.U.Ubale | Patent Published 2619/MUM/2015 Dt. 27.11.2015 | 2015 |
S.N. | Name of Faculty | Title of the patent | National/ International | Patent award/file number with date |
1 | Prof. S. P Yawale | High performance Photovoltaic Cell with Sodium Superoxide Interlayer in Polyaniline-CuO Matrix. | National | No.TEMP/E-1/19652/2018-MUM Dated; 18/05/2018 |
2 | Prof. Vijaya Sangawar | Synthesis and study of bio-erodable material using Low Density Polyethylene and Polyethylene Glycol | National | No.192/MUM/2015 Published on Dated 30/10/2015 |
3 | Prof. Vijaya Sangawar | Napthalene doped Polystyrene for packaging Material | National | No. 250/MUM/2012A Date of Award 18/1/2018 |
4 | Prof. Vijaya Sangawar | Rhodamine 6Gdye doped PVA/KSCN reversible sustainable polymer gel electrolyte and process of synthesis thereof | National | No. 201921008615 Published in March-2019 |
5 | Prof. Vijaya Sangawar | Opto-thermo electrets CdS doped photosensitive polymer and process for preparation thereof. | National | No. :201921004691 Published in March-2019 |
6 | Dr. A. U. Ubale | Phot-electrochemical Application of Nano-crystalline Cd 0.5 Fe0.5S Thin films grown by Spray pyrolysis technique on Aluminum substrate. | National | No. 2619/MUM/2015 A dated 27/11/2015 |
The department has entered into Memorandums of Understanding (MoU) with Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) aimed at facilitating a mutually beneficial exchange of students, faculty, knowledge, resources and ideas.
Prof. S. P. Yawale-Utkrushtra Seva Gaurav Award -2008, Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University
Dr. A. U. Ubale- Phule – Ambedkar Award- 2010, Govt. Vidarbha Institute of Science and Humanities, Amravati.
Prof. Shrikrishna P. Yawale
M.Sc., M.Phil, Ph. D. (Physics)
Professor and Head,
Dept. of Physics & Electronics, Govt. Vidarbha Institute of Science and Humanities, Amravati.
- Spyawale@Rediffmail.Com
- 8830317223
His research area include Materials Science, Semiconducting Glasses, Conducting Polymers, Gas Sensors Instrumentation.
Prof. Milind P. Lokhande
M.Sc. Ph.D. (Physics)
Dept. of Physics & Electronics, Govt. Vidarbha Institute of Science and Humanities, Amravati.
- 93732478847
His research area include Materials Science, Semiconducting Glasses, Conducting Polymers, Gas Sensors Instrumentation.
Prof. Ashok U. Ubale
M.Sc. Ph.D. (Physics)
Dept. of Physics & Electronics, Govt. Vidarbha Institute of Science and Humanities, Amravati.
- E-mail:
- 9423124881
His research interest lies in Nanostructured Thin Films, Preparation and its Characterization.
Dr. Jitendra T. Ingle
M.Sc. Ph.D. (Physics)
Associate Professor,
Dept. of Physics & Electronics, Govt. Vidarbha Institute of Science and Humanities, Amravati.
- 9309229675
His general interest lies in Luminiscent material for lighting and display, Nanomaterial smart material.
Dr. Rajesh V. Barde
M.Sc. B.Ed. Ph.D. (Physics)
Associate Professor,
Dept. of Physics & Electronics, Govt. Vidarbha Institute of Science and Humanities, Amravati.
- 9898200041
His research area includes Conducting Glasses , Polymer and Nanomaterials
Dr. Ashok B. Nawale
M.Sc. Ph.D. (Physics)
Assistant Professor,
Dept. of Physics & Electronics, Govt. Vidarbha Institute of Science and Humanities, Amravati.
- 99756668741
Areas of interest: His research interest lies in Nanomaterial processing and its applications, (Photocatalysis, DSSC).
Dr. Satyappa R. Jigajeni
M.Sc. Ph.D. (Physics)
Assistant Professor,
Dept. of Physics & Electronics, Govt. Vidarbha Institute of Science and Humanities, Amravati.
- 9209629752
His research interest lies in Material Science, Nanomaterials, Magnetoelectric Magnetodielectric materials and thin film.
Mr. Vishnudas K. Bhosale
M.Sc. NET (Physics)
Assistant Professor,
Dept. of Physics & Electronics, Govt. Vidarbha Institute of Science and Humanities, Amravati.
- 9545833806
His research interest lies in Nanostructured Thin Films, Preparation and its Characterization
Mr. Pravin P. Rathod
M.Sc. NET,SET,GATE (Physics)
Assistant Professor,
Dept. of Physics & Electronics, Govt. Vidarbha Institute of Science and Humanities, Amravati.
- 8879314959
His research interest lies in Nanostructured Thin Films, Preparation and its Characterization
Mr. Zakir Khan Salam Khan
M.Sc. B.Ed., SET (Physics) SET (Electronics), NET (Urdu), NET (Arab culture & Islamic studies)
Assistant Professor,
Dept. of Physics & Electronics, Govt. Vidarbha Institute of Science and Humanities, Amravati.
- 9021131100
His research area is in Luminescence Material: synthesis and Characterization.
List of Technical Staff
Sr. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Shri.S.V. Khot | Lab. Attendant |
2 | Shri.M.M.Shembekar | Lab.Attendant |
3 | Shri. Ganesh Chindale | Lab. Attendant |
4 | Shri. Sunil Tiwari | Lab. Attendant |
5 | Shri Pawan Pasare | Lab. Attendant |
6 | Shri.Arif khan | Peon |
Department Photo Gallery
Laboratories and major instruments
Installation of Solar panel for Institute Garden lighting and Laboratory use by Students of B.Sc. Physics and Electronics
Departmental study tour (Extension activity)
(d) Awards received by students (e) Alumni meet Department arranged farewell function for the retired faculty as well as fare well function for M. Sc. II year students.
Contact Us
Department of Physics and Electronics,Government Vidarbha Institute of Science and Humanities, Amravati
VMV Road, Amravati- 444 604